About us

After 20 years of work and a universal revolution, we were due for a breather. We took a halt and decided to put away the magnifying glass that looks to the side and look at our own reflection in the mirror.

This is how we recognized a new stage in our journey that manifested the following conclusions: • We consider ourselves privileged to understand office and NATURE as synonyms and the responsibility of living in harmony between these two spaces. • We are moved by the ambition to transcend, to create experiences that set trends and break paradigms. But for this, we came to understand the need to accept our LIMITS, between what we do and what we don´t want to do. And this is perhaps one of the most complex challenges we face: how to define and how to communicate on what and with whom we want to work. • To do this, we developed a METHOD based on a transversal formula for all our experiences: flexibility + creativity + quality • We understand that it is the INTANGIBLES the difference-makers in our experiences. These intangibles may be difficult to explain but easy to perceive: the deconstruction of luxury, the power of connection and the creation of lasting memories. • The means to express ourselves is the COMMUNITY that surrounds us, empathizing from core values. Together we serve as a reflection of our culture. This community is represented by the daily members of our team, but also the guides, drivers, hosts, boat captains, and back-ups on the ground; agents, TCs and intermediaries as spokespersons; and all indirect participants, providers and creators of stories. • We believe in the TRANSFORMATION process as a search for all our experiences. An endless path and permanent evolution of the inner self-being with a positive and authentic message. • And for all this, we do not want to divert our gaze to the easy highway. We want to take responsibility for the IMPACT of our actions, be consistent with our speech and deepen the path towards conservation. We create disruptive experiences. We always did and will continue to do. But we came to understand that for these experiences to be disruptive and transformative, we can only do it from a comprehensive approach, prioritizing bonds over accelerated and short-term dynamics. We want to listen to what you have to say and look into each other's eyes. And wake up every single day trying to do something for a better world.